Job Seekers

Chef De Partie Jobs Brisbane


If you’re looking for Chef de Partie jobs, Queensland boasts an abundance of restaurant styles across pretty much any cuisine and level you can think of. Finding somewhere fun, creative and engaging to work is important and not always easy in the hospitality industry. As far as finding rewarding Chef de Partie positions where you are appreciated and rewarded for your diligence, hard work and skills, you’ll quickly learn that Placed Hospitality Recruitment Agency in Queensland has what you’re looking for, whenever roles are available. We only work with clients who are market or better with conditions, hours and pay, who value dedicated employees, conduct their business with pride and uphold high standards. We simply don’t take on any employer clients whose standards don’t match with ours. We’ve done the hard yards in kitchens too so we know what you should reasonably be able to expect.

More than that, we’ll give you all the information you need, to know whether a job absolutely excites you and you can’t wait to get out there, or if it’s not worth your time to enquire further. Finding the perfect match is our number one priority. That’s what makes our employer clients happy, our Candidates applying for chef jobs in Queensland happy and ultimately, keeps our business growing and succeeding.

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