Job Seekers

Pastry Chef Jobs Brisbane


Not all Pastry Chef roles are created equal. You might be looking to work in the large patisserie department of a five-star chain hotel. Or, you might prefer to work alone in a tiny boutique kitchen, with full creative control and the capacity to change the direction of what’s on offer. You might be completely comfortable operating high-tech equipment in the Rolls Royce of pastry kitchens where top-of-the-line ovens, a Pacojet and other high end gadgets make for the perfect environment for you. Or maybe you prefer old-school techniques where every task is performed by hand with skill, dexterity and passion. Be assured that when you’re looking for the ultimate Pastry Chef position for you, you won’t have to read between the lines in a Placed Hospitality Recruitment ad. To us, it’s incredibly important that we spell out the details of any role in order to attract the best possible fit.

Maybe you want a different direction; you’d like to focus on breads and pastries instead of chocolates and desserts. When we place ads for chef jobs in Queensland, we include everything you’ll need to know whether a position will take you further along your desired career path.

    [post_type] => Array
            [0] => job

    [post_status] => publish
    [showposts] => 18
    [no_found_rows] => 1
    [tax_query] => Array
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            [0] => Array
                    [taxonomy] => locations
                    [field] => term_id
                    [terms] => Array
                            [0] => 657


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                    [taxonomy] => job_category
                    [field] => term_id
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                            [0] => 672



    [order] => DESC
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