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About Us

Recruitment Process


At Placed Recruitment, our recruitment process is critical to ensure the quality of the candidates we place and the tightness of the fit to your business. We focus on quality not quantity with a very selective approach that includes getting to know our jobseekers and employers and maintaining a vast and up to date database of candidates.

Our 10-stage recruitment process below shows the energy, effort and expertise that goes into every placement.

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Stage 1

Meet the employer client

Wherever possible we meet with our employer clients in person to get a sense of who you are and what your vision is. It’s about more than just the mechanics of the role on offer, we like to look around the workplace, get to know the team and the culture. Based on everything we see and learn, we compile an employer dossier which enables us to fill future roles with greater efficiency.
Stage 1
Stage 2

Start the hunt

We call it a ‘hunt’ because we actively and proactively search for the right candidate and not just place ads and canvas applications. At Placed Recruitment, our database is our first port of call. It contains more than 65,000 candidates with comprehensive, up-to-date data on all individuals. We also tap into our extensive network of industry contacts who frequently refer us to known job seekers based on their skills and expertise. Step two often includes speaking with referees to sanity check whom to invite to the next stage.
Stage 2
Stage 3

Meet with candidates

We carefully select a number of candidates and invite them to an interview. We fill them in on the details of the role, the story of the employer organisation; its culture, people and vision. We are not just looking to determine the suitability of the candidate to do the job but to find a strong match to the business and its goals.
Stage 3
Stage 4

Reference checks

Reference checks are important. Much of this is about as much about what isn’t being said as what is. This takes years of experience. It’s not a box-ticking exercise, our skills mean we can read between the lines, ask the tough deeper questions as the reference unfolds. We want to know.
Stage 4
Stage 5

Employer/candidate interviews

Once we have candidates whom we believe are more than suitable and interested in the position, we manage the logistics of organising interviews between the candidates and employer. We brief each candidate and the employer so that the meetings are fruitful and meaningful. Some clients need help with best practices and appropriate lines of questioning, while candidates are mentored on their presentation and how to prepare for a behavioural interview. Then the interviews take place.
Stage 5
Stage 6

Liaison and feedback

So, how’d it go? We liaise with the candidate and business, seeking and providing useful feedback that guides the decision-making process. Our role is to be a trusted advisor for both parties.
Stage 6
Stage 7

Decision time

The client will make and advise us of their decision. Placed Recruitment will help direct this process to ensure that the right candidate is chosen based on all elements. An offer will then be extended to the employer’s preferred individual.
Stage 7
Stage 8

Offer stage

This is the crucial stage of the process and if not managed expertly, can unravel quickly. We present a verbal offer to the candidate on the employer’s behalf and once accepted, confirm it in writing. If the candidate who has received the offer hesitates, we may need to step in with further consultation. At all times, it’s important that we utilise discretion, but also that we always aim to create a most positive outcome for all.
Stage 8
Stage 9


The candidate will receive offer documents from the employer to sign and return, either directly or via Placed Recruitment.
Stage 9
Stage 10


Placed Recruitment is a conduit between the employer and candidate so that if there are any issues, we can resolve them quickly. We also ensure that relevant information received from all candidates and the employer are updated in our database for future reference.

If you would like to register a vacancy, simply call us on 02 8916 6442; we will take an initial brief over the phone and then organise to meet with you.
Stage 10
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